Life Does't Slow Down For Anybody, You Adjust Your Speed!

In Her Thoughts: Life Does't Slow Down For Anybody, You Adjust Your Speed!

It’s going to sound funny but having a moment to sob around, lick your wounds and break down into ourselves is a privilege. A moment where everything just freezes, and the only motion is your emotions, feeling it through and taking a time to breathe. YES, they say “remember to take care of yourself, you can’t pour from an empty cup” but what if that moment of feeling your feelings is detrimental to your livelihood? What if taking a break isn’t a choice? Battles have to fight, and that moment of losing track can land your face on the ground when life knocks you out. I grew up and was born of a strong woman, never did I see her complain nor give up. Everyone has people you think they have all things worked out, but maybe just maybe they don’t have the privilege to crumble at the face of everything life throws at them.

The one who is supposed to work hard, a generation in their fist. There’s no time to slow down or to perfectly put it there’s time to show tears or break down. You resemble hope and an image of a strong person to carry your family and loved ones. You need to meet ends, stomachs to be fed and bills to pay. Who looks out for the ones who carry the torch for everyone in darkness? The ones that don’t have a choice but to carry the heavy touch and be a light to herself and people around her. Carry the load gracefully, fix their face and carry a burden, oftentimes they feel alone and have no option. No time to grieve or complain or slow down, it’s just going, go and go.

Maybe life isn’t meant to be paced.

I was reading this article and these words soothe my heart, “You can’t run faster than you are already.” Everyone who is holding a torch for their family, community or nation needs to hear this. That’s a harsh reality we all have to live. Probably it’s a moment we have to reflect and acknowledge what we do matters. The feel of stress is a reminder that each of our choices has consequences. That shouldn’t take the smile off your face and happiness from your heart if you love those around you and what you do for them you should delight you are a gift to them. Each day brings new challenges. New stress. New demands on your time, money and emotional energy. You’re doing your best, don’t be so hard on yourself.

“There’s is no rewind, pause or half speed options when it comes to moving to where you’re to where you want to be. There’s life.” – Dan Waldschmidt 

How to help the Torch-Bearers:

Give them a break: Say thank you and take an interest in what they are doing, how they do it or even a subject matter. It warms the heart knowing your effort is recognized and appreciated.

Help them, the little that you can do goes a long way. From receiving a cup of tea in bed to simply asking them if they are okay. It’s often the little things that make a person feel loved.

Self-Care Tips for busy people

  • “Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares.” 1 Peter 5:7 “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” Psalms 29:11
  • Reward yourself: It doesn’t how small it may be, afford yourself a reward you’ve done your best getting through rough patches of life.
  • Reflect on the best things that happened be grateful for God is working remotely it could’ve gone worse.
  • Use positive language and self-talk. Pay attention to the words, ‘I am’ and what follows next. You may feel hopeless but you’re not hopeless.


  1. Your feelings doesn't always match up with the truth of who you are. I got that from the very last tip you gave.. to pay attention to what comes after "I am.." You may feel hopeless but you're not hopeless.
    You are a very insightful writer, I learned a lot from this post.

    Nikki O.

    1. Thank you Nikki O, I'm glad you were inspired🌻


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