Flirting With Conformity Part 2

Flirting With Conformity Part 2

I do not know why we have this

thing between us. A forbidden

union, ugly & engorged.

Hidden deep within

Your tongue plated with silver

whispers sweet things in my ear

Adorn me with words & phrases

that brings me comfort in my conformity.

Giving my ego that deep-tissue massage

entering into ecstasy of security within a group

Where I trade my autonomy for company 

Applaud me and give me a standing ovation

Treats me like the best show he has ever seen

We have been back, back, and forth, and forth

He has shown me the shortcuts,

a temporary happiness

There is even denial that it exists

But we just let it play it out

The company keeps me warm

But lately I have been feeling lonely 

I yearn to walk the room and still be myself

Be confident and relinquish fear of acceptance

But I will not stop if do not as well

We have to part ways, I have met adaptability

I really needed somebody, and adaptability

gave me a taste of my worth

I have come to know I do not have to trade 


Having a voice and being a voice

is much more worthy of my pursuit

I choose agility.

To respond to change proactively

rather than acting in accordance with expectations

I bid you farewell

Goodbye my old love Conformity!


  1. I love how this read and feels like an awakening on a physical, emotional and spiritual level -- loved this!


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