Mental Health Series: MaMoyo In The Spotlight

Mental Health Series: MaMoyo In The Spotlight

"When you consider how stressful and uncertain the conditions that come with working in the creative industries are, it’s all too easy to see how doing something you love can turn swiftly very sour."

Our last guest is a epitome of what we want to achieve, being mentally aware and strive for wellness. As individual creatives and the creative industry as a whole, we need to think about the ways we work and the pressure we put on ourselves, and on each other. Most creative agencies throw you in a mix of juggling skills. However, the good news is you can start supporting yourself in ensuring a healthy mental state and adopt effective treatments to face the anxiety, stress or depression. As we conclude, our guest takes us through how she has become self aware and how they are taking self care as a priority:

My name is Takudzwanashe Charlene Ndangana but my friends call me MaMoyo or Taku. l began blogging and podcasting last year and l must say my blog and podcast have helped me deal with anxiety and stress last year. My blog is good as my online diary and l can write about everything that l want and l have an audience too. 

When l am having a bad day or feeling anxious, l write about everything that is on my mind and it has been an effective way of relieving stress, dealing with anger or anxiety. Writing has been a helpful way of expressing my emotions and feelings, it is helpful than bottling the anger and pain inside. 

As a creative I have learnt that it is okay to have good and bad days. On some days I do not have any inspiration or anything to write about but on some days l have a lot of ideas that l would like to pen down. 

It is easy for a creative to compare themselves with others or to give up on something that you love because of the likes or comments on your blog post. As a creative, you have to promote your work through your social media platforms. I have taught myself that not everyone is going to like my work. Although it can be disappointing after all the work I would have done. I now focus on the bigger picture 'why did l decide to create a blog'

Sometimes a creative can lose themselves in the process of trying to please their readers.  Sometimes take a break from blogging and get some rest. Planning my day and scheduling my blog posts have been helpful because l used to have burnouts or get angry when l failed to publish my blog post. 

Lastly, I have been kind to myself and l never compare myself with others.


  1. Thank you so much MaMoyo. This is encouraging. Indeed there is light at the end of the tunnel. We must always remember our why.


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